Branding + Identity Design

joaquin prime

all good things must come to an end.

all good things must come to an end.  who says they do?  well, i guess it could be better said that every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.  and so, this quarter has ended at school, and more specifically my favorite class, desinging with typography has come to a close but brought a new beginning in my desire for practicing design and exploring what makes me happy.

our final project in designing with typography seemed simple at first: choose an emotion, situation or expression.  take a photo of it and then side by side, show the emotion, situation or expression in type.  simple enough.  until i realized that i did not want to do simple.  and so it became quite complicated.

my motto over the past year or so (and the subtitle of my blog) is "Leap and let the net appear".  In no small way, this quote, this idea, this way of thinking has completely reshaped how I have been living my life and I knew that this was what I wanted to base my final project on.  The quote basically means that if you never take a chance, if you never leap for your dreams or for what you want, that you will never attain these things.  By taking a risk, by having courage and leaping for what you want, even if you are not sure how it will turn out, you will get what you want.  It’s the only way!  By believing what you want is possible, by going for it, the universe will manifest things into your path (the net) and things will ultimately work out.

now, how was i going to make this into a visual piece?  oh boy.  i knew the only way to really get the message across would be to go literal.

and so i did.

enjoy these process photos… i believe they are self explanatory but please feel free to ask any questions!

at central park a few blocks from my home, trying to figure out where to make this happen… finding a location to “leap” from that looked high enough was not a simple task! 

the location i decided upon for the word placement…

wondering if i will break my ankles jumping from this high…

starting to build the framework for my letterforms

getting to work on the word… i decided upon the word courage to represent what my quote stands for

almost finished…

i did several version of the word.  my concept was to make the word courage look like it was the net that was appearing after i leapt.  this is the 3rd draft of the final version of the word, done!

time to clean up…

gone faster than it came…

i learned a great deal about myself, my work ethic and about overcoming challenges with the project.  in the end, i had to print and mount the two pieces (the expression and the actual word) side by side.  this is my final print that i mounted, showcasing the effect of the expression and the word as a united composition.  to photograph the word, i had to climb the tree and shoot it from above.  you can see a larger version of the composition by clicking here.

this class opened my eyes in so many ways, and this is mostly due to my amazing teacher, maurizio masi.  i know i have mentioned him before, but i cannot emphasize how great of a teacher this man is.  he has inspired, educated, challenged and supported me, all of which has helped me grow as a designer and made me very happy to have earned an A in his class.  thanks to everyone who supported me throughout this entire quarter and i hope you guys enjoyed my final type project as much as i did!